Monday, 7 April 2014

Sun 6th

Clear skies meant a ski day. Very hard snow in the morning soon turned into very heavy, tiring snow in the very hot sun.  After a relaxing lunch lounging at a piste side bar (reclining chairs are very hard to get out of……) we decided to ski back down at 2.45pm. Tina was definitely tired as she stopped uphill, then promptly slid backwards into a heap! Both skis released. This time I did not take any pics

 The funiculaire down was busy with people at the end of their holidays and very hot. After a wait for the navette we returned to a lovely sunny campsite. Shorts on and then tea sitting outside at exactly 5pm ( house rules). Tina then had a well deserved snooze. 

Weather forecast is more of the same – potentially poor snow and high temperatures. 

Do we ski more or move on towards Annecy????  Or move up to Tignes Le Breviere to meet up with Sara (our postmistress), Nige and Alfie

link to next stage - just trying to insert link - sorry if it looks clumsy!,+Route+des+Arcs,+73700+Bourg-Saint-Maurice,+France/Baveno+VB/@46.2719171,6.2970071,9z/data=!4m34!4m33!1m25!1m1!1s0x47896f55d6c80341:0xb77ae9c93ad7005e!2m2!1d6.784655!2d45.622383!3m4!1m2!1d6.1475911!2d45.9163495!3s0x478b8fbdc143b417:0xab901f7fab5e8150!3m4!1m2!1d6.337621!2d46.3206599!3s0x478c6a5d72ee7725:0x2052e82ccde85e2c!3m4!1m2!1d6.532093!2d46.391568!3s0x478c3c661e370b69:0x3925d30c697ea8f7!3m4!1m2!1d6.93192!2d46.38793!3s0x478e9a193fc1484f:0xed1071a400e18b84!1m5!1m1!1s0x4785dfe9448ee661:0x4e181120f9e48f0e!2m2!1d8.5055814!2d45.9089803!3e0?hl=en-GB

1 comment:

  1. Got your map link to work on 2nd attempt (in Google Chrome). Excellent to be able to see where you are going / have been.
